Public Education Program
Helping government agencies and non-profits distribute their statewide awareness messaging across NJBA member stations airwaves throughout the state!
What is PEP?
A Public Education Program (PEP) campaign is intended to help government agencies and non-profit organizations deliver their important public interest message effectively and affordably.
Who uses PEP?
The Army National Guard and the US Coast Guard have used PEP for recruitment advertising. While other agencies use PEP to raise awareness for transportation and highway safety issues, other organizations use it for health and human services needs, emergency awareness and preparedness, economic development, tourism, consumer protection, education, etc.
How does PEP work?
Broadcast radio stations donate airtime to the NJBA. In exchange for funding, the association makes the airtime available to non-profits and government agencies which don't have a history of buying broadcast advertising time. For every $1,000 investment from your organization, the association guarantees at least $4,000 of airtime value. In many cases, the return on investment is even higher. It's a lot more bang for the buck!
How is it different from a PSA?
A public service announcement (PSA) is aired by a station without a monetary commitment, and is therefore aired by the station at its own discretion. PSAs are an effective and useful campaign approach for organizations who do not have access to funding and who rely solely on a station's commitment to community service. PSAs do not deliver airtime guarantees.
What is the "ideal" PEP message?
The ideal message is one of importance to the vast majority of people within the state. Sponsors who find PEP campaigns to be most successful are those who have a cause or message that is impactful to the state as a whole. It is also important that spots not be considered "issue advertising." In other words, not pushing a political agenda.
Where and when do PEP spots air?
Virtually all commercial radio members of the NJBA, and also select stations in the New York City and Philadelphia markets that serve New Jersey, air PEP spots. Specific stations and times cannot be guaranteed, since stations participate voluntarily. However, we work diligently with our membership to ensure effective coverage. PEP spots are placed on a Monday-Sunday 6 a.m. to 12 midnight rotation and return on investment is guaranteed.
Why do stations participate?
Because PEP campaign funding enables the NJBA to provide services that strengthen the broadcast industry and help stations operate in the public interest. PEP revenue helps the NJBA to subsidize professional education, scholarships, regulatory compliance programs, and other member benefits that many stations could otherwise not afford.
What kind of confirmation is received?
PEP sponsors receive monthly affidavits of delivery (or airtime reports) to illustrate the stations, dates, times, and values of aired spots. The NJBA provides a complete monthly or quarterly summary of total airtime values that sponsors have received. Remember, the return is at least 4:1!
Does the NJBA help with production and distribution of the PEP spots?
The NJBA can assist with copywriting and production, often at reduced or even no cost. We will distribute PEP spots to every commercial station in New Jersey.
How much does a PEP campaign cost?
PEP campaign costs vary based on two factors: campaign duration, and whether a sponsor participates in the NJBA's digital PEP add-on. While these investments can vary, campaigns cost approximately:
6 weeks: $28,125 ($18,750/mo.)
3 months: $52,500 ($17,500/mo.)
6 months: $97,500 ($16,250/mo.)
12 months: $180,000 ($15,000/mo.)
PEPs are often paid through grant funding, particularly those requiring matching funds, as the 4:1 return qualifies as such!